Economic Investment Appraisal
The subject, Economic Investment Appraisal, is an elective course on the full-time MBA at the AGSM. The overheads to be used in lectures in 2006 will be available at the links below, in the PDF format.
- Wordsworth: King's College Chapel (PDF)
- Subject Outline (PDF)
- Subject Package (PDF)
- Week 1 The Decision Maker's Objectives OHs || Printable
JPG of OH slide: Page 1-15
The Copenhagen Consensus
The Economist on the Copenhagen Consensus
Bjorn Lomberg on the science behind The Day After Tomorrow.
A dissenting view of Copenhagen FT, May 15, 2004.
A report on the outcome of the Copenhagen Consensus. June 3, 2004.
- Week 2 Basics of Project Evaluation OHs || Printable
- Week 3 Shadow Pricing OHs || Printable
JPGs of OH slides: Pages 5-1 | 5-7 | 5-9 | 5-12 | 5-13 | 5-15a | 5-15b | 5-20 | 5-25 | 5-27 | 5-28 | 5-32
and Direct Price Changes, Welfare Economics OHs || Printable
JPGs of OH slides: Pages 6-2 | 6-5 | 6-7 | 6-9 | 6-18 | 6-19 | 6-23 | 6-24 | 6-25,26 | 6-27
- Week 4 Indirect Price-Change Effects OHs || Printable
JPGs of OH slides: Pages 9-11,12 | 9-11 again | 9-17
- Week 6 Valuing the Environment & Other Unmarketed Goods OHs || Printable
JPGs of OH slides: Pages W6-12 | W6-16 | W6-22
The Exxon Valdez case.
Let's execute computer hackers. Steven E. Landsburg, Slate, Wednesday, May 26, 2004.
$2.3m on the Prime Minister's Head AFR, June 3, 2004.
- Week 7 Risk-Benefit Analysis OHs || Printable
and Case: Climate Change
The Economist The heat is on -- a survey here September 2006.
See clippings on Kyoto here.
- Week 8 Multi-attribute Decision Making OHs || Printable
Rôle-Playing Exercise: Greenhouse: Nuclear v. Coal
Rôles here.
Case: Drug Policy
The late Milton Friedman on the drug war.
- Week 9 Case: Avian Flu Pandemic and Business Continuity Planning OHs || Printable
- Week 10 Student Presentations
Note: Final reports due by 4pm on Wednesday, December 13th.
For Notes on Writing and the maximum length of the project, Look here!
For guidelines on the evaluation of the project, Look here.
Possible term-project topics.
A JPG image of the handout for discsussion on 12 October 2006.
Solutions to the handout for discusssion: here.The handout for discussion on October 19, 2006.
Solutions to the handout for discusssion: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4.Sample midterm questions.
Solutions to sample midterm questions.JPG of OH of Pearce's discussion of the Tasmanian dam issue: Here.
Further exercises and solutions from Frances Perkins' book:
Chapter 2, Exercises 1 and 2 | Solutions.
Chapter 6, Exercise 1 | Solution.
Chapter 7, Exercises 1, 2, and 3
Chapter 7, Exercises 4 and 5 | Solutions 7-4 and 7-5.
The Classroom Debate: Nuclear to Stop Climate Change?
- The Stern Review on Climate Change here
- The IEA World Energy Outlook 2006 Maps Out a Cleaner, Cleverer and More Competitive Energy Future -- press release here.
- "The nuclear debate: Two energy options for Australia" by John Mathews here
- Australian Business Roundtable on Climate Change here.
- Greenpeace Australia on nuclear energy here
- Australian nuclear power, on Wikinews here.
- The politics of the new nuclear debate, by Dennis Shanahan of The Australian
The EnergyScience Coalition fact sheets on nuclear power and greenhouse here. James Lovelock: Nuclear power is the only green solution, in The Independent, London, 24 May 2004, here. The Energy Supply Association of Australia's submission to the Government's Uranium Mining, Processing and Nuclear Power Review here. A recent report from the RAND Corp. on the extent of renewable energy in the U.S. here. STOP PRESS! The Australian Switkowski nuclear report is out! here. The Australian and New Zealand Investor Group on Climate Change -- details here. The SF Exploratorium has a site on Global Climate Change here . (Worth seeing.) A skeptic's review of the Stern Review, by Bjorn Lomborg, here. Reaction to the Switkowski Report: Michael's role here.
For more items, search Google using some or all of these terms: Australia nuclear power climate.
The ALIA argues against extending Australian copyright from 50 years to 70 -- here.
The Brookings Institution economic analysis of copyright extension -- here.Extracts from the Goldman Sachs reports: The World Cup and Economics 2006, and The World Cup and Economics 2002.
Last Updated 13 July, 2006 Robert Marks,