Strategic and Economic Thinking
The subject, Strategic and Economic Thinking, is a required subject in the full-time MBA at the AGSM. SET is split into two sections: Robin Stonecash covers Economics, and Bob Marks covers Strategy.
- Subject Outline
- Week 1: Modelling
- Week 1: Markets
- Week 2: Basic Economic Concepts
- Week 3: An Economist's View of Costs
- Week 4: Interdependence
- Week 5: Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Weeks 6 & 7: Strategic Decision Making
- Week 8: Credible Commitment
- Week 9: Repetition and Reputation
- Week 10: Bidding and Auctions
- Glossary of Game Theory Terms
- Case 1
- Case 2
- Case 3
- Assignment 1
- Assignment 2
- Assignment 3
- Rivalry
- Reading: Business negotiation on the Internet
- Reading: Internet auctions
Last Updated 17 April 2000 Robert Marks,