Robert E. Marks,
"Pattern-based metrics for validating simulation model output,"
1 June 2018.
Robert E. Marks,
"Risk Neutral is Best for Risky Decision Making,"
13 March 2016.
Robert E. Marks,
"What lessons have we learnt from the Global Financial Crisis?"
presentation at the Royal Society of New South Wales, June 4, 2014.
Robert E. Marks,
"Learning to be risk averse?",
Presentation at the IEEE Computational Intelligence for Finance
Engineering & Economics 2014, London, March 29.
Robert E. Marks,
"Learning Lessons: The Global Financial Crisis five years on,"
Presentation at the Final Conference for COST Action ISO902: Failing to
Learn and Learning to Fail,
Harokopio University of Athens, March 15, 2014.
Robert E. Marks,
"Validating and Selecting Agent-Based Models,"
Invited talk at the ESHIA Winter Workshop,
18 November 2013,
Nanyang Technical University, Singapore.
Robert E. Marks,
"Learning Lessons? The GFC five years on,"
presented at a meeting of
the Business Valuation SIG, ICAA,
11 September 2013.
Robert E. Marks,
"Tutorials on Validation of Agent-Based Computer Simulation Models,"
Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering &
Economics (CIFEr 2013),
Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 2013,
Singapore, 16-19 April.
Tutorial 1
Here ||
Tutorial 2
Robert E. Marks,
Validation and Model Selection: Three Similarity Measures Compared,
presented at the Agent-Based Modeling Workshop, sponsored by
the Global Systems Dynamics & Policy project,
(funded by the Seventh Framework Programme, FP 7, of the European
The Sorbonne, Paris,
September 8-10, 2011.
Forthcoming in Complexity Economics.
Robert E. Marks,
Learning Lessons? The Global Financial Crisis two years on.
presented at 2010 Conference of the Paul Woolley Centre for the Study of
Capital Market Dysfunctionality University of Technology, Sydney 28 October
Robert Marks,
Comparing Two Sets of Time-Series: The State Similarity Measure
The Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver, July 31-August 5, 2010
See a recent presentation of the paper at the Sydney Agents group
Here. ||
Robert Marks,
Agent-Based Simulations with Historical Data: Issues in Validation
Advances in Agent-Based Computational Economics, ADACE 2010, July 5-7, 2010
Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF),
Bielefeld University, Germany.
Robert Marks, Daniel Klapper, David Midgley,
Issues in validating agent-based models,
2009 Computing in Economics and Finance
University of Technology, Sydney,
July 15-17. (Conference presentation)
Robert Marks,
Analysis and Synthesis: Multi-Agent Systems in the Social Sciences
at: Market-Based Control of Complex Computational Systems, University of
Liverpool, September 2008.
Paper here.Presentation here.
Robert Marks,
Learning to be Risk Averse?
26th Australasian Economic Theory Workshop,
Bond University,
7 February 2008.
Presentation here (revised).
Robert Marks,
Agent-Based Modelling in Socio-Economic Systems,
Summer School 2007,
Centre for Research in Complex Systems,
Charles Sturt University, Bathurst.
Lecture 1 ||
Lecture 2 ||
Lecture 3
Robert Marks,
Business Continuity Planning and Avian 'Flu, first presented in November
Presentation here.
As yet unpublished working papers.
Marks, R. E. (2014),
Searching for agents' best risk profiles,
(Submitted to The 18th Asia Pacific Symposium of Intelligent and Evolutionary
Arthur Ramer and Robert E. Marks (2009),
Constructive representation of trust: single rule paradigm.
Owen Young and Robert E. Marks (2008),
Mergers across Borders: Analysing the
Internationalisation of Financial Institutions.
Robert E. Marks and David F. Midgley (2008),
The retailer needs to be paid for sophisticated
decisions: modeling promotional interactions among
consumers, retailers, and brand managers,
(INSEAD Working Paper No. 2008/65/MKT)
Lawrance, A.B., and R.E. Marks (2008),
Survival of Firms and Plants in a Supply-Constrained Industry.
Marks, R.E. (2008)
The Satisficer's Curse. Revised, 2008.
Marks R.E. (2006)
Validation and functional complexity,
The First World Congress on Social Simulation, August 21-25,
Kyoto University, Clock Tower Centennial Hall,
Kyoto, Japan.
Midgley D., Marks R, and Kunchamwar D. (2006),
Development and validation of a multi-agent simulation of consumers,
retailers and manufacturers,
(Fontainebleau: INSEAD Working Paper 2006/03/MKT).
Marks R.E. (2003)
Using Market-Based Instruments to Protect Port Hacking,
Presented at: The Coastal Solutions Forum 2003, Cronulla, 15 November
Shiraz, G.M., Marks R.E., Midgley D.F., and Cooper L.G. (1998)
Using Genetic Algorithms to breed competitive marketing strategies,
in the Proceedings of the
1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
La Jolla, California, USA
October 11-14, 1998:
Intelligent Systems for Humans in a Cyberworld.
(Abstract, and link to full paper in
Acrobat PDF 3.0 format)
Marks, R.E. (1999) Evolved perception and the validation of simulation
models, in
Barnett W.A., Chiarella C., Keen S., Marks R.E., and Schnabl H., (editors),
Commerce, Complexity and Evolution in Finance and Economics,
No. 11 in the series: International Symposia in Economic Theory and
Econometrics, ed. by W. A. Barnett,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
(Acrobat PDF 3.0 format)
(Acrobat PDF 3.0 format)
Drake A.E. and Marks R.E. (1998)
Genetic algorithms in economics and finance: forecasting stock market prices
and foreign exchange \(em a review,
Australian Graduate School of Management Working Paper 98-004, (February).
(Acrobat PDF 3.0 format)
Marks R.E., Midgley D.F., and Cooper L.G. (1998)
Refining the breeding of hybrid strategies,
(Abstract and paper)
Marks R.E. and Schnabl H. (1999)
Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks: a comparison based on the Repeated
Prisoner's Dilemma,
to appear in in Thomas Brenner (ed.),
Computational Techniques for Modelling Learning in Economics, in the
series Advances in Computational Economics,
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Australian Graduate School of Management Working Paper 97-014.
(Acrobat PDF 3.0 format)
Midgley D.F., Marks R.E., and Cooper L.G.
Breeding competitive strategies,
Management Science. Lead article.
(43(3): 257-275, March, 1997)
Marks R.E. (1996)
Evolved perception and behaviour in oligopolies,
presented at the Second International Conference on Computing in
Economics and Finance, Geneva, June, 1996.
Published in The Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
(Abstract || Acrobat PDF 3.0 format)
Marks, R.E. (1995) Closed tender vs. open bidding
auctions, Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Sydney.
Marks R.E. (1993) Niche strategies: the Prisoner's Dilemma
computer tournaments revisited, conditionally accepted
for publication,
Computational Economics.
(Acrobat PDF 3.0 format)
Marks R.E. (1991) Costly complexity of strategies in repeated
games, presented at the 1991 Australasian Meetings of
the Econometric Society, University of New South
Wales, Sydney (10-13 July)
Marks R.E. (1991) The costs of drug law enforcement, presented at
the PNG Foundation for Law, Order, and Justice's
international conference on Drug-Related Crime in
Papua New Guinea, Lae (May 13-17)
Marks R.E. (1991) Air-polluting behaviour in Australia:
instruments for change, presented at Market-Based
Environmental Policy, a conference hosted by the
School of Economics, University of New South Wales,
Sydney (20 March)
Marks R.E. (1990) Measures of strategic complexity, presented at
the Sixth World Congress of the Econometric Society,
Barcelona (22-28 August).
Marks R.E. and P.L. Swan (1988)
The irrelevance of OPEC:
property rights and implicit discount rates
in the world oil market,
AGSM Working Paper 87-027,
Revised March 1988.
Acrobat version here.
Marks, R.E. (1987) Wages and discrimination with
incomplete information, presented at the Fourth
Analytical Economists' Workshop, Canberra, (February),
and the 1986 Australasian Meeting of the Econometric
Society, Melbourne, (August), AGSM Working Paper
87-028, (October).
Read a 1993 version here.
Marks, R.E. and R. Ball (1986) Short-term supply side
instability in the oil market, presented at the
Fifteenth Conference of Economists, Melbourne, AGSM
Working Paper 86-023, (September).
Read the paper here.
Marks, R.E. (1983) Energy, output, and employment in
the short run, presented at the 1979 Econometric
Society Meetings, Atlanta, AGSM Working Paper 83-030,
Acrobat version here.
Marks, R.E. and J.L. Sweeney (1983) Expectations and
the Hotelling Rule, presented at the 1983 Australasian
Meeting of the Econometric Society, Canberra, AGSM
Working Paper 83-005, (February).
Read a revised version without figures
Marks, R.E. and J.L. Sweeney (1980) The competitive
pricing of non-renewable natural resources, presented
at the 1979 Western Economic Association Meetings, Las
Vegas, Energy Modeling Forum Occasional Paper OP 8.1,
Stanford University, (July).
Marks R.E. (1981) Macro-economic effects of the import parity
pricing of oil, presented at the Tenth Conference of
Economists, Canberra, (August).
(Read the paper in
Acrobat PDF 4.0 format)