Robert Marks' Publications
Papers and Reviews in Refereed Journals
Held, F., Wilkinson, I.F., Marks, R.E., & Young, L. (2013),
Agent-based modelling, a new kind of research,
Australasian Marketing Journal, fothcoming.
Marks R.E. (2013), Learning lessons? The Global Financial Crisis five years
The Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales,
146 (447 & 448), June, (pp. 3-16 and A1-A43),
Here (pp. 3-16),
Here (pp. A1-A43), and
Marks, R.E. (2013),
Validation and model selection: three measures
Complexity Economics, 2: 41-61, May.
Here. and
Here. ,
DOI: 10.7564/13-COEC10
Marks, R.E. (2012),
Analysis and synthesis: multi-agent systems in the social sciences,
The Knowledge Engineering Review 27(2): 123-136.
Lawrance, A.B., and Marks R.E. (2008),
Firm size distribution in an industry with constrained resources,
Applied Economics, 40(12): 1595-1607, June.
Marks, R.E. (2007),
Validating Simulation Models:
A General Framework and Four Applied Examples,
Computational Economics, 30(3): 265-290, October.
DOI: 10.1007/s10614-007-9101-7.
Here, and at CE
Midgley D.F., Marks R.E., and Kunchamwar D. (2007),
The Building and Assurance of Agent-Based Models: An Example and Challenge
to the Field,
Journal of Business Research, Special Issue: Complexities in Markets, 60(8): 884-893, August.
and at JBR
Marks R.E. (2004),
Avoiding front-runner's bias,
Australian Journal of Management,
29(1): 35-38.
Marks R.E. (2002),
Direct and derived policies:
illicit drug use and greenhouse gas emissions in Australia,
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice,
4(1): 51-74, March.
Kong X., Marks R.E., and Wan G.H. (1999),
Technical efficiency, technological change and total factor productivity
growth in Chinese state-owned enterprises during the early 1990s,
The Asian Economic Journal,
13(3): 267-282, September.
Kong, X., Marks, R. E. and Wan G. H.(1999), Guo you qi yue quan yao su
sheng chan li ji qi jue ding ying su: 1990-1994
[Total factor productivity and
its determinants of Chinese state-owned enterprises: 1990-1994],
Jingji Yanjiu
[Economic Research Journal ISSN: 0577-9154], July (No. 7), pp.
40-48. [In Chinese]
Economic Research Journal (known as Ching Chi Yen Chiu, using
Giles-Wade) is published by the Institute of Economics,
Chinese Academy
of Social Sciences in Beijing. It is the leading economics journal in
Marks, R.E. (1999) Review of Neural Networks for Economic and Financial
Modelling, by
Andrea Beltratti, Sergio Margarita and Pietro Terna,
(London: International Thomson Computer Press), 1996,
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Stimulation,
2(2): March.
Marks, R.E., Midgley, D.F., Cooper, L.G. and Shiraz, G.M. (1999),
The complexity of competitive marketing strategies,
Complexity International, 6.
(The complete paper is here.)
Marks, R.E. (1998),
Evolved perception and behaviour in oligopolies,
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
22(8-9): 1209-1233.
Midgley, D.F., Marks, R.E., and Cooper, L.G. (1997)
Breeding competitive strategies,
Management Science,
43(3): 257-275.
[The lead article.]
Marks, R.E. Niche strategies: the Prisoner's Dilemma
computer tournaments revisited, conditionally accepted
for publication,
Computational Economics.
Marks, R.E. (1994) Cannabis laws: an analysis of
Drug and Alcohol Review, 13(3): 341-346.
Marks, R.E. (1993) Modelling heterogeneous inputs,
Economics Letters, 42(2-3): 167-171.
Marks, R.E. and Swan, P.L. (1993) Exhaustibility and
the reserves/production ratio, Economics Letters,
42(1): 117-119.
Marks, R.E. (1993) Review of Risk, Organizations, and
Society. Studies in Risk and Uncertainty, ed. by
Martin Shubik. (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1991), in Economic Record, 69(204): 82-83.
Marks, R.E. (1992) The costs of Australian drug
policy, Journal of Drug Issues, 22(3): 535-547, 1992.
Marks, R.E. (1992) Breeding hybrid strategies:
optimal behaviour for oligopolists, Journal of
Evolutionary Economics, 2: 17-38.
Marks, R.E. (1991) What price prohibition? An
estimate of the costs of Australian drug policy,
Australian Journal of Management, 16(2): 187-212,
Marks, R.E. (1991) Reducing carbon dioxide emissions
from Australian energy use, The Science of the Total
Environment, 108(1-2): 111-121, (October).
Marks, R.E., P.L. Swan, P. McLennan, R. Schodde, P.B.
Dixon, and D.T. Johnson, (1991) The cost of Australian
carbon dioxide abatement, The Energy Journal, 12(2),
135-152, (April), plus a Corrigendum, The Energy
Journal, 12(4), 149-150.
Marks, R.E. (1990) Prohibition or regulation: an
economist's view of Australian heroin policy,
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology,
23(2): 65-87, (June).
Marks, R.E. (1990) A freer market for heroin in
Australia: alternatives to subsidizing organized
crime, Journal of Drug Issues, 20(1): 131-176,
Marks, R.E. (1989) Towards 2000: Australian energy
policy and conservation, Energy Exploration &
Exploitation, 7(1): 37-50.
Marks, R.E. and P.L. Swan (1988) (editors), Is the
Australian Labour Market Ripe for Deregulation? the
Malcolm Fisher Festschrift, published in a special
edition of Australian Journal of Management, 13(2):
137-274, (December).
Marks, R.E. and P.L. Swan (1988) Introduction to the
Malcolm Fisher Festschrift: Is the Australian Labour
Market Ripe for Deregulation? published in a special
edition of Australian Journal of Management, 13(2):
137-139, (December).
Marks, R.E. (1987) Review of Money, Accumulation and
Crisis, by D.K. Foley, (Chur, Switzerland: Harwood
Academic Publishers, 1986), in Economic Record, 63:
366-368, December, 1987.
Marks, R.E. (1987) On redesigning an academic journal,
Australian Journal of Management, 12(2): 149-158,
Marks, R.E. (1986) Energy issues and policies in
Australia, Annual Review of Energy and the
Environment, 11: 47-75.
Marks, R.E., P. Watt, and P. Yetton (1981) GMAT scores
and performance: selecting students into a graduate
management school, Australian Journal of Management,
6(2): 81-102, (December).
Marks, R.E. (1980) The value of `almost' perfect
weather information to the Australian tertiary sector,
Australian Journal of Management, 5(1&2): 67-86,
Marks, R.E. (1974) The heroin problem: policy
alternatives in dealing with heroin use, Journal of
Drug Issues, 4(1): 69-91, (Winter).
Refereed Published Conference Papers
Marks, R. E. (2010),
Comparing Two Sets of Time-Series: The State Similarity
Measure, In 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings Proceedings -- Statistics: A Key
to Innovation in a Data-centric World, Statistical Computing Section.
Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, pp. 539-551. (The Joint
Statistical Meetings are held under the aegis of the American Statistical
Association, the International Biometric Society (Eastern North American
Region, Western North American Region), the Institute of Mathematical
Statistics, the Statistical Society of Canada, the International Chinese
Statistical Association, and the International Indian Statistical
Wilkinson, I. F., R. Marks, L. Young, (2010), Toward agent-based models of
the development and evolution of business relations and networks, in Ali
Minai, Dan Braha, Yaneer Bar-Yam (eds.), Unifying Themes in Complex
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Complex Systems,
6, part of the New England Complex Systems Institute Series on Complexity,
(New York: Springer), Chapter 26, pp. 414-421.
Marks R.E. (2006), Validation and Functional Complexity,
in T. Terano, S. Takahashi, D. Sallach, and J. Rouchier (eds.), The First
World Congress on Social Simulation, August 21-25, 2006, Kyoto University,
Kyoto, Japan, Proceedings Volume 2, pp. 393-401.
Kong X., Marks R.E., and Wan G.H. (1999)
Efficiency and its determinants of Chinese state-owned enterprises,
in Zhou Z.-Y., Chudleigh J., Wan G.-H., and MacAuley G. (editors) ,
The Chinese Economy Towards the Twenty-First Century,
Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Association of Australian
Chinese Economic Studies, Orange, 12 July 1998,
Orange, N.S.W.: Orange Agricultural College and Department
of Agricultural Economics, University of Sydney.
Marks, R.E., Midgley, D.F., Cooper, L.G. and Shiraz, G.M. (1999),
Coevolution with the Genetic Algorithm: application to repeated
differentiated oligopolies, In Banzhaf, W., Daida, J., Eiben, A. E., Garzon, M. H.,
Honavar, V., Jakiela, M., & Smith, R. E. (eds.). GECCO-99: Proceedings
of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 13-17, 1999,
Orlando, Florida USA. (San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann).
pp. 1609-1615.
Shiraz, G.M., Marks, R.E., Midgley, D.F., and Cooper, L.G. (1998),
Using Genetic Algorithms to breed competitive marketing strategies,
Intelligent Systems for Humans in a Cyberworld,
the Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics,
La Jolla, California, USA, October 11-14, 1998:
(New York: IEEE),
pp. 2367-2372.
Marks R.E. (1996)
Evolved perception and behaviour in oligopolies,
in Keen, S., Chiarella, C., Marks, R.E., and Schnabl, H., (eds.)
Commerce, Complexity, and Evolution,
Proceedings of a Conference held at the University of New South Wales,
(Sydney: Conference Committee, AGSM).
Marks, R.E. (1992) Finding the middle ground: the use
of market incentives to protect the environment, in
Enviromine Australia Proceedings: Conference at
Taronga Zoo, March 13-22, 1992, Volume 3, Abstracts
and Supplementary Papers, ed. by J.E. Epps, D.P.
Woodside, and D.R. O'Neill, (Sydney: The Australasian
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy; The Zoological
Parks Board of New South Wales).
Marks, R.E. (1992) Costs of illegal drug use, in The
Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Use: Proceedings of
the Fifth National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
Annual Symposium, Melbourne, March, 1992, held as part
of the Third International Conference on the Reduction
of Drug-Related Harm, ed. by W. Swift, (Sydney:
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Monograph
No. 15), pp. 18-31.
Marks, R.E. (1991) Australian energy policy and
conservation, in Energy Systems, Management and
Economics: Selected Papers from the IFAC/IFORS/IAEE
Symposium, cosponsored by the International Federation
of Automatic Control, the International Federation of
Operational Research Societies, and the International
Association of Energy Economists, Tokyo, 25-27 October
1989, IFAC Symposia Series, 1990. No. 14, ed. by Y.
Nishikawa, Y. Kaya, and K. Yamaji, (Oxford: Pergamon
Press for the IFAC), pp.409-415.
Marks, R.E. and P.L. Swan (1990) Abatement: global
action, Australian road transport, and macroeconomic
costs, in Greenhouse and Energy, ed. by D.J. Swaine,
(Melbourne: CSIRO Australia), pp. 107-118.
Marks, R.E. (1990) Relaxing the prohibition: effects
on supply and demand, in Controlled Availability:
Wisdom or Disaster? ed. by J. Hando and J. Carless,
(Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre,
Monograph No. 10), pp. 11-16.
Marks, R.E. (1989) Breeding hybrid strategies:
optimal behavior for oligopolists, Proceedings of the
Third International Conference on Genetic Algorithms,
George Mason University, June 4-7, 1989, ed. by
J.David Schaffer, (San Mateo, Calif.: Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers), pp.198-207.
Marks, R.E. and P.L. Swan (1987) Property rights and
implicit discount rates in the world oil market, in:
The Changing World Energy Economy: Papers and
Proceedings of the Eighth Annual North American
Conference, November 10-21, 1986, edited by D. O.
Wood, (Cambridge, Mass.: International Association of
Energy Economists), pp.525-530.
A revised version, The Irrelevance of OPEC: Property Rights and Implicit
Discount Rates in the World Oil Market.
Barnett W.A., Chiarella C., Keen S., Marks R.E., and Schnabl H. (editors)
Commerce, Complexity and Evolution: Topics in Economics, Finance,
Marketing and Management: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium
in Economic Theory and Econometrics,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
(See cover here.)
R. Standish, B. Henry, S. Watt, R. Marks,
R. Stocker, D. Green, S. Keen, and T. Bossomaier (editors) (1998)
Complex Systems '98: Complexity Between the Ecos: From Ecology to
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Complex Systems, UNSW,
November-December 1998,
(Sydney: Conference Committee).
S. Keen, C. Chiarella, R. Marks, and H. Schnabl (eds.) (1996),
Commerce, Complexity and Evolution Program and Papers,
(Sydney: Conference Organising Committee).
Marks, R.E. (1979) Non-Renewable Resources and
Disequilibrium Macrodynamics, (New York: Garland
Publishing), xii, 335 p.
Chapters in Books
Marks R.E. (2013, forthcoming),
Monte Carlo,
in The Palgrave Encyclopædia of Strategic Management, edited by David
Teece and Mie Augier, (London: Palgrave).
Wilkinson, I.F., Held, F., Marks, R.E., & Young, L. (2013). Developing
agent-based models of business relations and networks. In R. Stocker & T.
Bossomaier (eds.), Networks in Society: Links and Language. Singapore:
Pan-Stanford Publishing, Chapter 5.
Marks R.E., Midgley D.F., Cooper L.G. (2006), Co-evolving better
strategies in oligopolistic price wars, in Handbook of Research on Nature-Inspired Computing for Economy and Management, edited by Jean-Philippe
Rennard, (Hershey, PA: Idea Group Inc.), Ch. 52.
Marks R.E. (2006), Market design using agent-based models, Chapter
27, in the Handbook of Computational Economics, Volume 2: Agent-Based
Modeling, edited by Leigh Tesfatsion and Kenneth L. Judd, in the series
Handbooks in Economics, (general editors K. Arrow and M. D. Intriligator),
(Amsterdam: Elsevier Science), pp. 1339-1380.
Drake A.E. and Marks R.E. (2002) Genetic algorithms in economics and
finance: forecasting stock market prices and foreign exchange -- a
review, in Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming in Computational
Finance, ed. by Shu-Heng Chen, (Boston: Kluwer), pp. 29-54.
Marks R.E. (2002)
Playing games with Genetic Algorithms,
in S.-H. Chen (editor),
Evolutionary Computation in Economics and Finance,
(New York: Springer-Verlag).
See it in HTML||
See it in PDF.
Kong X., Marks R. E., and Wan G. H. (2000)
Productivity performance in
Chinese state-owned enterprises in the early 1990s -- a stochastic
production frontier and Malmquist Productivity Index analysis, in
Lloyd P. J. and X.-G. Zhang (editors),
China in the Global Economy,
(London: Edward Elgar), pp. 65-85.
Marks, R.E. (2000)
Evolved perception and the validation of simulation models, in
Barnett W.A., Chiarella C., Keen S., Marks R.E., and Schnabl H., (editors),
Commerce, Complexity and Evolution: Topics in Economics, Finance,
Marketing and Management: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium
in Economic Theory and Econometrics,
ed. by W. A. Barnett,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 335-350.
Marks R.E. (1999)
Rising Legal Costs, Chapter 15 in Russell Fox,
Justice in the Twenty-First Century,
(London: Cavendish Publishing), pp. 227-235.
For the transcript of a broadcast discussion (from 28 March 2000, ABC Radio
National's Law Report) about the book, see
Marks, R.E. (1999)
The triumph of the firm,
New Directions in Corporate Strategy,
ed. by G. Twite and M. O'Keeffe,
(Sydney: Allen & Unwin), pp. 39-46.
Marks R.E., and Schnabl H. (1999) Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks: a comparison based on the
Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma, in Thomas Brenner (ed.),
Computational Techniques for Modelling Learning in Economics, in the
series Advances in Computational Economics,
(Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers),
pp. 197-219.
Marks, R.E., Midgley D.F., and Cooper L. (1995)
Adaptive behavior in an oligopoly, Evolutionary
Algorithms in Management Applications, ed. by J.
Biethahn and V. Nissen, (Berlin: Springer-Verlag), pp.225-239.
Marks, R.E. (1992) Costs of the prohibitions, in Drugs
Policy -- Fact, Fiction and the Future, ed. by Russell
Fox and Ian R. Mathews (Sydney: The Federation Press),
Marks, R.E. (1992) Repeated games and finite automata,
in Recent Developments in Game Theory, ed. by J.
Creedy, J. Eichberger, and J. Borland (London: Edward
Elgar), pp.43-64.
Other Published Work
Marks R.E. (2013) Walking the line on GFC times, The Conversation, 28
Marks R.E. (2011)
13(4): 8, September.
Marks R.E. (2010)
A Final Farewell,
Australian Journal of Management,
35(2): 115-117.
Marks R.E. (2010)
Welcome to SAGE Publications,
Australian Journal of Management,
35(1): 3-5.
Marks R.E. (2009)
Anatomy of a Credit Crisis,
Australian Journal of Management,
34(1): i-xxvii.
Marks R.E. (2009)
Pilbara miners best judges of access,
Australian Financial Review [letter], 30 Sept, p.59.
Marks R.E. (2008)
The Dominoes Fall: A Timeline of the Squeeze and Crash ... ,
Australian Journal of Management,
33(2): i-xv.
Marks R.E. (2008)
Right, said TED,
Insto: Australia's finance and capital markets magazine,
Vol. 3, Issue 10, Oct/Nov, p. 54.
Marks R.E. (2008)
Market knows best on shared facilities,
Australian Financial Review,
August 11, p. 71.
Marks R.E. (2008)
The Subprime Mortgage Meltdown,
Australian Journal of Management,
33(1): i-vii.
Marks R.E. (2007)
The Old Order Changeth,
Australian Journal of Management,
32(2): i-iv.
Marks R.E. (2007)
Playing with Qantas,
Australian Journal of Management,
32(1): i-vi.
Marks R.E. (2007)
Playing for time's a dangerous game,
Australian Financial Review,
May 8, p.63.
Collins D., Lapsley H.M., and Marks R.E., (2007) Illicit Drugs Damage
Australian Business, Sydney: Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation.
Marks R.E. (2006)
There's No Such Thing As Free Lunch,
Australian Journal of Management,
31(2): i-viii.
Marks R.E. (2006)
The threesome: TLA, BCP, and AFP,
Australian Journal of Management,
31(1): i-vi.
Marks R.E. (2006) Lies & Statistics: Energy self-sufficiency for
is not what matters, Australian Financial Review, May 20-21, p.63.
Marks R.E. (2006) Pandemic planning makes sense, Australian Financial
Review, January 17, p.47.
Marks R.E. (2005)
A new tool for scholars,
Australian Journal of Management,
30(2): i-iv.
Young O. and Marks R.E. (2005)
Four pillars debate needs refining, Australian Financial Review,
22 August 2005, p.23,
Marks R.E. (2005)
Organisational behaviour, finance, and economics,
Australian Journal of Management,
30(1): i-iv.
Marks R.E. (2004)
Learning, risk, and diversity,
Australian Journal of Management,
29(2): i-v.
Marks R.E. (2004)
The state of the Journal,
Australian Journal of Management,
29(1): i-iv.
Marks R.E. (2003)
Pencils and managers,
Australian Journal of Management,
28(2): i-xii.
Marks R.E. (2003)
Models rule,
Australian Journal of Management,
28(1): i-v.
Marks R.E. (2002)
Corporate governance, or where does ownership lie?
Australian Journal of Management,
27(2): i-v.
Marks R.E. (2002)
Simulating economics,
Australian Journal of Management,
27(1): i-vi.
Marks R.E., Martin P., and Verbeek M., (2002)
National Competition Policy: A Discussion Paper.
Planning the Second Wave: Future Directions in the Reform of Legal
Services Delivery,
Sydney: Law Society of New South Wales.
Marks R.E. (2001)
The anti-terrorist's dilemma,
Australian Journal of Management,
26(2): i-iv.
Marks R.E. (2001)
Another door opens,q
Australian Journal of Management,
26(1): i-vi.
Marks R.E., Midgley D.F., Cooper L.G. (2001)
Breeding Better
Strategies in Oligopolistic Price Wars,
submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, special issue
on Agent-Based Modelling of Evolutionary Economic Systems.
Marks R.E. (2000)
Globalisation is at risk,
Australian Journal of Management,
25(3): i-v.
Marks R.E., Midgley D.F., Cooper L.G. (2000)
Searching for
Markov Perfect Equilibria in Oligopolistic Price Wars,
presented at
The Industry Economics Conference Sydney, 10-11 July 2000,
INSEAD Working Paper 2000/65/MKT.
Marks R.E. (2000)
New products, new
firms, and prices,
Australian Journal of Management,
25(1): i-v.
Lawrance A.B., Marks R.E. (2000)
Duration analysis in the
Australian coal industry,
AGSM Working Paper 00-008, April.
Marks R.E. (1999)
Prices, options, and
Australian Journal of Management,
24(2): i-iii.
Marks R.E. (1999)
competition, and financial instruments,
Australian Journal of Management,
24(1): i-v.
Kong X., Marks R.E. (1999)
Enterprise institutional reform and productive performance in Chinese
state-owned enterprises 1990-1994,
AGSM Working Paper 999-003 (April).
Marks R.E. (1998)
In search of
Australian Journal of Management,
23(2): i-iv.
Marks R.E., Midgley D.F., Cooper L.G. (1998)
Refining the breeding of hybrid strategies,
AGSM Working Paper 98-017 (December),
Marks R.E. (1998)
Prices and values,
Australian Journal of Management,
23(1): i-iv.
Marks R.E. (1998)
Competition and common property,
AGSM Working Paper 98-003, (February).
Marks R.E. (1997)
Risk and information --
timely topics,
Australian Journal of Management,
22(2): i-iii.
Marks R.E. (1997)
Deaths by drug policies: John Howard's more-of-the-same illicit drug
policy will produce more drug deaths,
Australian Financial Review,
November 6, p.19.
Keen, S., Chiarella, C., Marks, R.E., and Schnabl, H., (eds.) (1996)
Commerce, Complexity, and Evolution,
Proceedings of a Conference held at the University of New South Wales,
Sydney: Conference Committee, AGSM.
Midgley, D.F., Marks R.E., and Cooper L.G. (1994)
Breeding competitive strategies, University of
California at Los Angeles, Anderson Graduate School of
Management Working Paper No. 242 and Australian
Graduate School of Management Working Paper 95-001 and
Santa Fe Institute Working Paper 95-06-052. (Revised,
August, 1995.) (Accepted for presentation at the
Seventh World Congress of the Econometric Society,
Tokyo, August 1995; unfortunately, family sickness
meant that it was not presented there.)
Marks, R.E. (1994) Energy policy research at Stanford
University, in ERDIC Annual Report 1993, (Kensington:
Energy Research Development and Information Centre,
UNSW) pp. 39-43.
Marks, R.E. (1993) The law of supply and demand,
Cannabis and Narcotics: Problems and Prospects for
Decriminalisation, Proceedings of a Conference on Drug
Law Reform under the aegis of The Law Society of New
South Wales, October 23, 1993. (Sydney: The Law
Society of N.S.W.).
Marks, R.E. (1993) Coffee price wars and the Genetic
Algorithm: estimating strategies in a real-world
oligopoly, (with Lee Cooper and D.F. Midgley),
Emergent Structures, (A newsletter of the Economics
Research Program at the Santa Fe Institute), July
1993, pp.7-8.
Marks, R.E. (1991) Rejoinder, [to The risks and costs
of decriminalising drugs: a response to Robert Marks,
by David Hawks, Policy, 7(2): 25-27,Winter], Policy,
7(2): 27-28, Winter.
Marks, R.E. (1991) The case for a regulated drugs
market, Policy, 7(1): 28-33, (Autumn).
Marks, R.E. (1990) Carbon taxes and road transport, in
Vehicles: Energy and Environmental Impacts,
Proceedings of the Seminar held on October 10, 1990,
(Kensington: Energy Research, Development and
Information Centre, University of New South Wales),
Marks, R.E. (1990) Testimony before the Senate
Standing Committee on Industry, Science and
Technology's reference on Reducing the Impact of the
Greenhouse Effect, Official Hansard Report, pp.
818-982, Canberra (June 26).
Marks, R.E. (1989) Proposals for reducing carbon
dioxide emissions produced by Australian energy use,
Briefing Paper on Individualism and Collectivism: How
Will Sustainability Affect the Roles of the Public and
Private Sectors? in Sustainable Policies and Making
Them Work, A National Two-Day Conference, UNSW (9-10
Marks, R.E., P.L. Swan, P. McLennan, R. Schodde,
(1989) The feasibility and implications for Australia
of the adoption of the Toronto Proposal for carbon
dioxide emissions, AGSM Working Paper 89-032,
Marks, R.E., P.L. Swan, P. McLennan, R. Schodde, P.B.
Dixon and D.T. Johnson, (1989) The Economic
Consequences for Australia of the Adoption of the
Toronto Proposal for Carbon Dioxide Emissions,
(Melbourne: CRA Ltd.), (September).
Marks, R.E. (1989) Niche strategies: the Prisoner's
Dilemma computer tournaments revisited, presented at
the 1988 Australian Economics Congress under the
auspices of the Econometric Society, Canberra
(August-September), and AGSM Working Paper 89-009,
(April). (provisionally accepted for publication by
Computational Economics.)
Marks, R.E. (1989) Heroin: the case for legalisation,
Australian Medicine, 1(7): 164, June 5.
Marks, R.E. (1989) Testimony before the Parliamentary
Joint Committee on the National Crime Authority's
inquiry on Drugs, Crime and Society, Official Hansard
Report, pp. 1,076-1,133, Canberra (March 16).
Marks, R.E. (1987) Wages and discrimination with
incomplete information, presented at the Fourth
Analytical Economists' Workshop, Canberra, (February),
and the 1986 Australasian Meeting of the Econometric
Society, Melbourne, (August), AGSM Working Paper
87-028, (October).
version here.
Marks, R.E. and R. Ball (1986) Short-term supply side
instability in the oil market, presented at the
Fifteenth Conference of Economists, Melbourne, AGSM
Working Paper 86-023, (September).
Marks, R.E. (1985) Discussion [at the conclusion of
the Institute of Criminology seminar, Drugs and Crime,
held on 26 June 1985, Sydney], Proceedings of the
Institute of Criminology, 65: 64-66, 1985.
Marks, R.E. (1983) Energy, output, and employment in
the short run, presented at the 1979 Econometric
Society Meetings, Atlanta, AGSM Working Paper 83-030,
Marks, R.E. and J.L. Sweeney (1983) Expectations and
the Hotelling Rule, presented at the 1983 Australasian
Meeting of the Econometric Society, Canberra, AGSM
Working Paper 83-005, (February).
Marks, R.E. (1980) The value of perfect weather
information to the Australian tertiary sector, in:
Proceedings of the Conference on Value of
Meteorological Services, Melbourne, 21-23 February
1979, (Melbourne: Royal Meteorological
Society/Economic Society of Australia and New
Zealand/Australian Agricultural Economics Society),
Marks, R.E. and J.L. Sweeney (1980) The competitive
pricing of non-renewable natural resources, presented
at the 1979 Western Economic Association Meetings, Las
Vegas, Energy Modeling Forum Occasional Paper OP 8.1,
Stanford University, (July).
Marks, R.E. (1970) Surface Fitting with Coon's
Patches, Report No. 26, Computer Aided Design Group,
University Computer Laboratory, Cambridge,
Published Audio-Visual Works
Marks, R.E. (1993) Doing Economics
with Computers, an
EES Silver Symposium Series Videotape, (Stanford:
Engineering-Economic Systems, Stanford University,
Marks, R.E. (1993) Coffee Price Wars and the Genetic
Algorithm: Estimating Strategies in a Real-World
Oligopoly, a Santa Fe Institute Colloquium Videotape,
(Santa Fe, N.M.: SFI), (February 26).
Marks, R.E. (1991) Good Decisions, Better
Outcomes-Taking the Uncertainty out of Decision-
Making, in The Emerging Manager-Responding to the
Challenge of Change, An Audio Cassette Series for New
Managers, (Kensington: The National Training Division
of The International, Professional, and Continuing
Education Institute, UNSW), (May).
Other Reports
Marks, R.E. (2008) An economist's interpretation of criterion (b),
A Report on behalf of Allen Arthur Robinson, March 31.
Marks, R.E. (1995) Closed tender vs. open bidding
auctions, Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Sydney.
(revised, 2000).
Marks, R.E., and F. Reay (1988) Notes on AJM Style,
mimeo., AGSM.
Marks, R.E. (1987) Report on the Environmental
Economic Effects of the Proposed Wyan Quarry
Development at Possum Brush, NSW, Environmental
Defender's Office, Sydney.
Louviere, J.J., R.E. Marks, and R. Mitchell
(1980) Forecasting long-term contingencies in the
demand for railway services, for the Implementation &
Management Group Pty. Ltd., Sydney.
Marks, R.E. (1978) Non-renewable resources and
disequilibrium macrodynamics, Department of
Engineering-Economic Systems Student Thesis Series,
Stanford, (February).
Unpublished Conference Papers and Other Public Presentations
2003 Using market-based instruments to protect Port Hacking,
presented at the Coastal Solutions Forum 2003,
Cronulla, November 15.
The paper is here, and
the talk is here.
2000 Efficient, competitive, and informed markets:
Australian Corporations Law and auctions, presented at the Department
of Economics, UNSW, on 19 May 2000.
1995 How boundedly rational are brand managers?
(with David Midgley and Lee Cooper), presented at the
1995 INFORM Marketing Science Conference, University
of New South Wales, (4 July).
1994 Adaptive behaviour in an oligopoly, (with Lee
Cooper and David Midgley), presented at the
Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society,
University of New England, July, and the 15th Annual
Conference of the Society for Economic Dynamics and
Control, under the auspices of the Society for
Computational Economics, Nafplion, Greece, June 25,
1993 Breeding optimal strategies for multiple-period
competitive games in mature markets, (with Lee Cooper
and D.F. Midgley), presented at The 1993 T.I.M.S.
Marketing Science Conference, Washington University,
(13 March).
1993 Coffee price wars and the Genetic Algorithm:
estimating strategies in a real-world oligopoly, (with
Lee Cooper and David Midgley), presented in the Santa
Fe Institute Colloquium Series, (February 26).
1992 Benchmarking oligopolistic behavior: repeated
games in the coffee market, presented at the
Engineering-Economic Systems Department, Stanford
University (November 10)
1991 Costly complexity of strategies in repeated
games, presented at the 1991 Australasian Meetings of
the Econometric Society, University of New South
Wales, Sydney (10-13 July)
1991 The costs of drug law enforcement, presented at
the PNG Foundation for Law, Order, and Justice's
international conference on Drug-Related Crime in
Papua New Guinea, Lae (May 13-17) (Invited by Mr Ken
Egan, Director of the Foundation for Law, Order, and
Justice, at the suggestion of Professor Duncan
Chappell, director of the Australian Institute of
Criminology, Canberra.)
1991 Air-polluting behaviour in Australia:
instruments for change, presented at Market-Based
Environmental Policy, a conference hosted by the
School of Economics, University of New South Wales,
Sydney (20 March)
1990 Economic commentary, presented at An Intensive
One-Day Briefing for Senior Decision-Makers on
Environmental Strategy: New Economic Policies and
Regulatory Schemes, Sydney and Melbourne (15, 29
October), (Sydney: Calcutt Watson and Associates Pty.
Ltd., 1990)
1990 Measures of strategic complexity, presented at
the Sixth World Congress of the Econometric Society,
Barcelona (22-28 August).
1989 Economics of drug policies, presented at Drugs,
the Law, and Medicine, a summit cosponsored by the
Australian Doctors' Fund and the Australian Medical
Association, Sydney (17-18 November) (Invited by Dr
Bruce Shepherd, then President of the Australian
Medical Association.)
1981 Macro-economic effects of the import parity
pricing of oil, presented at the Tenth Conference of
Economists, Canberra, (August).
1974 Decision-making under uncertainty, Distinguished
Visitor, Sixth Winter Management Seminar, University
of Melbourne Business School Association.
Last altered on November 16, 2000.