The Names

These are the men who completed Bachelor's of Civil Engineering at Melbourne University in 1967 who might attend the annual reunion dinners:

Gordon Alderson, Peter Balfe, Felix Blatt, Rainer Breit, Graham C Brown, Dave Caffin, Roger J Chalmers, CHOW Chap Kin, Ron Clarkson, Murray Cullinan, Phil Cummins, John Davies, Gary Edwards, Terry Egan, David J Farrow, John Fitzgerald, Harry Friend, John Franklin, Clem Furphy, Ted Gallagher, Peter Gill, Andrew Goad, Barry Guttridge, Jeff Harding, Rod Hiscox, Brian F Hobson, Bob Holland, Rob Hutchings, Angelo Iannazzo, John Irwin, David Jay, Denis Johnston, KHOO Heng C, Thomas LAM Fook-Hong, Alan Lawson, Peter Lechte, Joseph T Lin, Brian Logan, Stu Longmuir, Robert Marks, Phillip McDonald, Jim McMeckan, George Migios, Tony Moodie, Paul Mosig, Renzo Negrelli, John Noonan, Ken Ogden, John Onas, Neil E Orchard, Dave Peile, Leigh Proudfoot, Ian Rankine, Geoff Rees, Kris Romuld, Peter Seyler, SIAH Yok L, Rob Simonsen, Edward Smith, John Smith, Bob Solly, TANG Ing Hoo, John Taylor, Bob Vickers, Peter Walker, Dick Whillas, Jason Whyte, John Wilkes, Rick Wootton.

Those whose names appear in red are people whose contact details I lack. If you have any information of them, please email me at

Just a note: now is the time to get a private (non-work) email address, if you haven't already. And don't tie your email address to your current Internet Service Provider; rather, get an account with gmail, or yahoo, or hotmail, or somewhere (Melbourne Uni Alumni?) where it won't fail in the future.