Business Ethics

The Integrative Program, Business Ethics, is an elective IP in the full-time MBA at the AGSM. It is taught by Associate Professor Damian Grace and Professor Robert Marks.

Lectures and Cases

Day 1: Introduction -- Ethics, Economics, and Business.

Day 2: Ethical issues in corporations.
Day 3: International business & ethical relativism

Day 4: Corporate Governance, Enron, and The Economists' Views
Day 5: Implementation -- Structuring ethics in organisations 2005 Team Presentations:
  1. British Money in Asian Pulp & Paper (PPT)
  2. Oil Concessions in Angola (PPT)
  3. Redundancy in a Cold Climate (PPT)
  4. Monitoring Financial and Social Conduct (PPT)
  5. Supply Chain Management -- GM and Nike (PPT)
  6. Philip Morris (PPT)
  7. Fair Trade (PPT)
  8. A CEO -- a Chief Ethics Officer? (PPT)

More Cases:

Writing aids (look at these for your essay): Enron links: Other Links:
Photos of the 2002 Ethics Laboratory in session (and more):

Doing well by doing good: A poem.


Last Updated 9 September, 2005
Robert Marks,