Robert Marks' reports

  1. Louviere, J.J., R.E. Marks, and R. Mitchell (1980) Forecasting long-term contingencies in the demand for railway services, for the Implementation & Management Group Pty. Ltd., Sydney.

  2. Marks, R.E. (1987) Report on the Environmental Economic Effects of the Proposed Wyan Quarry Development at Possum Brush, NSW, Environmental Defender's Office, Sydney.

  3. Marks, R.E., P.L. Swan, P. McLennan, R. Schodde, P.B. Dixon and D.T. Johnson, (1989) The Economic Consequences for Australia of the Adoption of the Toronto Proposal for Carbon Dioxide Emissions, (Melbourne: CRA Ltd.), (September).

  4. Marks, R.E. (1994) Energy policy research at Stanford University, in ERDIC Annual Report 1993, (Kensington: Energy Research Development and Information Centre, UNSW) pp. 39-43.

  5. Marks, R.E. (1995) Efficient, competitive, and informed markets: Australian Corporations Law and auctions, Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Sydney. Here (revised, 2000).

  6. Harding R., Eckstein D., with Ashbolt N., Erskine W., Fox M., Johnson G., Marks R., Moore S., and Waite D., (1996) Development of Composite Indices for State of Environment Reporting in NSW, Institute of Environmental Studies, UNSW, Sydney, for the NSW Environmental Protection Authority.

  7. Marks R.E., Martin P., and Verbeek M., (2002) National Competition Policy: A Discussion Paper. Planning the Second Wave: Future Directions in the Reform of Legal Services Delivery, Sydney: Law Society of New South Wales. (April) Here.

  8. Collins D., Lapsley H.M., and Marks R.E., (2007) Illicit Drugs Damage Australian Business, Sydney: Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation. Here.

  9. Marks, R.E. (2008) An economist's interpretation of criterion (b), A Report on behalf of Allen Arthur Robinson, March 31. Here.
    • Marks R.E. (2008) Market knows best on shared facilities, Australian Financial Review, August 11, p. 71. Here.

    • Marks R.E. (2009), Pilbara miners best judges of access, Australian Financial Review, September 30, p.59. [a letter arguing for the Australian Competition Tribunal to take the market outcome into its consideration] Here.
