10 May 1948 - 14 September 1998

Hazel Is Sliding

I sent this three days after Hazel had broken her left collar bone, and after she'd started to become slightly confused. None the less, although drowsy, her personality had not been changed by the cancer, as it no doubt was attacking her brain. She died almost exactly five hours later.

From: bobm@agsm.edu.au
Subject: Hazel is sliding
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 10:39:31 +1100 (E )

Dear Friends of Hazel,

In the eight days since I last wrote, there has been one up but at least two downs: Hazel got some relief from her jaw pain after her ear was dewaxed and syringed -- we managed to tape some more of her life story; but on Friday her left collarbone broke as she was helping a nurse turn her over. The bones get progressively more brittle as the cancer progresses. We are treating the pain. But she has lost her alertness and is getting vague. This morning she asked me whether this was the beginning of a coma: I think it is, which means the end is nearer, although she is in less pain.

Thank you all for your thoughts and love, which help us all:
Hazel, son, Zoë, Pat, and me,

Robert (Bob)

Robert MARKS, Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Phone: +61-2-9931-9271 (W), +61-2-9818-5618 (H), +61-2-63-552752 (some w/ends)
Fax: +61-2-9931-9326 (Fax)
Email: r.marks@unsw.edu.au OR bobm@agsm.edu.au
WWW: http://www.agsm.edu.au/~bobm

In the meantime, please feel free to email me, Robert.

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Last Updated 5 March 1999