10 May 1948 - 14 September 1998

In May 1998 at my urging Hazel began taping messages to the children. Originally there was to be one for each of the children, but this proved to be too onerous, and Hazel started a single message. After she had taped about nine minutes of it (which took the best part of a day), inspired by Barry Humphrey's autobiography, she started writing her own, but she was admitted to hospital in early June. On her return home six weeks later, under palliative care, she continued taping, starting by reading what she had already written, and then taping without notes. We had covered her life up to February 1993 (the last taping was done on September 10) when she died five days later.

The original idea of separate messages was translated into separate letters to the children, which she finished signing and addressing on September 11.

Listen to the first nine minutes (with a fast modem, try "Hi-qual"): (QT is QuickTime 3.0: download here.)

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Last Updated 17 February 1999